Low-emissivity (Low-E) glass windows are a modern innovation designed to improve the energy efficiency of buildings while enhancing comfort and reducing costs. These windows have a microscopically thin, transparent coating that reflects heat while allowing light to pass through. Here are three significant benefits of Low-E glass windows.


Different Kinds of Window Glass

Most homeowners are familiar with the various kinds of windows available in the market with their distinct advantages and disadvantages. Some like to choose wooden windows, while others prefer aluminum framed windows.

Many of these homeowners are unaware of  the various varieties of glass and their benefits. Because inefficient windows can cause a lot of energy loss, it’s crucial to understand the many types of window glass coatings which may save you a lot in energy costs every month. One of these kinds of window glass is Low-E glass.


What Are Low-E Glass Windows

Low-E glass stands for Low-Emissive glass. This refers to its quality of minimizing the ultraviolet light (UV) from the sun, keeping your furniture and home appliances from sustaining damage.

Low-emissive (low-E) glass is coated with metallic oxide and includes an invisible metal that absorbs the heat while allowing light to pass through and illuminate the house.

UV light can damage the material used for your home décor. These special coatings aim to reduce the quantity of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared light, protecting your furnishings, gadgets, and clothes.

By incorporating Low-E glass windows, homeowners and builders can achieve substantial energy savings, lower utility bills, and a more comfortable living environment while also contributing to environmental sustainability through reduced energy consumption. Read more about the benefits of low-E glass windows below:

Benefits of Low-E Glass Windows

To further simplify your decision to purchase Low-E glass for your home windows, we have listed some of its key benefits below:

1. Enhanced Energy Efficiency

According to statistics, windows can be used for saving up to 30 percent of heat inside the house. This can prevent your heating appliances from overworking to keep the room well-heated.

If you wonder why your room never maintains its warmth while the windows are always closed, it’s because of the window glass’s inability to reflect the interior’s heat and keep it inside. This is where Low-E glass can be very helpful.

These types of glass are made with a double metallic coating that reflects the heat to keep it inside and allows the light to penetrate through, bringing its own warmth during daytime. This can help you save energy costs all through the day.

Low-E glass windows are renowned for their ability to improve a building’s energy efficiency. The Low-E coating minimizes the amount of infrared and ultraviolet light that passes through the glass without compromising the amount of visible light.

Key Benefits:

  • Reduced Heat Transfer: Low-E windows can keep heat out during the summer and retain heat during the winter, reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling. This can lead to significant energy savings and lower utility bills.
  • Consistent Indoor Temperature: By reducing heat transfer, Low-E windows help maintain a more consistent indoor temperature, enhancing comfort levels regardless of the weather outside.


2. Minimizes Glare + UV Protection

While these types of window glass block UV light, they allow natural light to pass through in just the right quantity to illuminate the house with a soft glow instead of a sharp glare that’s unappealing.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can cause fading and damage to furniture, carpets, artwork, and other interior elements. Low-E glass windows block a significant portion of these harmful rays.

Key Benefits:

  • Preservation of Interiors: By filtering out UV rays, Low-E windows help protect your home’s interior from sun damage, extending the life of your furnishings and decor.
  • Health Benefits: Reduced UV exposure can also be beneficial for your skin, offering an extra layer of protection against the harmful effects of prolonged sun exposure.


3. Defends Against Condensation And Mould

Low-E glass windows effectively defend against condensation, a common issue in many homes that can lead to mould growth, structural damage, and reduced indoor air quality. The key to this defence lies in the Low-E coating’s ability to regulate the temperature of the glass surface. Condensation forms when warm, moist air inside a home comes into contact with a cooler surface, like a traditional windowpane. This causes the moisture in the air to condense into water droplets on the glass.

However, Low-E glass windows have a special coating that reflects heat back into the room, keeping the interior glass surface closer to the room temperature. By maintaining a warmer surface temperature, Low-E glass reduces the likelihood of reaching the dew point where condensation occurs. This not only helps to keep your windows clear and maintain visibility but it also prevents the formation of moisture that can lead to mould and mildew. Additionally, because Low-E glass windows help to stabilize indoor temperatures, they contribute to a more comfortable and healthier living environment, free from the dampness and potential health risks associated with condensation.

Takeaway: Temperature changes can lead to condensation, forming moisture and water droplets on the window. This can cause the window to deteriorate faster. Low-E glass doesn’t allow moisture to accumulate, keeping your windows clear from the danger of mould.


A home window with multiple glass panes


Get Low-E Glass Replacement in Edmonton

Low-E glass windows are a smart investment for any home or building, offering substantial benefits in terms of energy efficiency, UV protection, and overall comfort. By reducing energy consumption, protecting interiors, and enhancing the quality of natural light, Low-E windows not only improve the living environment but also contribute to long-term savings and sustainability. Whether you are building a new home or upgrading existing windows, Low-E glass is a feature worth considering for its multiple advantages.

If you’re ready to explore your Low-E window glass options, consider us at Crystal Glass.

We’re a reliable name for residential glass or commercial glass repair, in business 70+ years. We also specialize in mobile auto glass repair.

Get in touch with us today and get an estimate for your glass upgrade.